His plan is strong Knowledge narrow He knows no defeat Never in his past He stands before me Willing to strike He raises his saber Unknowing of my might He erupts abruptly Swells in a fierce storm He finds his mark quickly This deep wound bleeds warm I reel in pain as many times before…
Category: Poetry
Bad Seed
sprouts tendril spoiled of nutrition family trees rotten still seed spat from crooked mouths same as lies that kill Black men women children generations of white filthy picnic goers vile watchers spawn in tow smile ignorant stolen pieces thieves of lives limbs histories bad seed adopted adapted spread far and wide bad seed spilled into…
Candle On A Shelf
Peer into your heart view there the shelf in your darkened chamber When thirteen years ago born into confusion and pain they were given a fresh spirit ablaze Resolved to condemn him to this place on the occasion you entered your soul crept away Make note of the feeble flame present today a taper no…